Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D. in soil science, Oregon State University, 2022
M.S. in soil science, University of Wyoming, 2017
BFA in theatre performance, University of Wyoming, 2013

Research and Professional Experience

Research Soil Scientist, USDA-NRCS National Soil Survey Center, 2023 – Current
NSF OPP Postdoctoral Research Fellow, U. Tennessee – Knoxville, 2022 – 2023
OSU-PNNL Graduate Research Fellow, OSU/Biological Sciences Division-PNNL, 2019 – 2022
Graduate Student Facility User (EMSL), PNNL, 2017 – 2022
Graduate teaching assistant/research assistant, Oregon State University, 2017 – 2019
Visiting Graduate Student (Alpine permafrost), Mosso Institute, Italy, August 2018
Visiting Graduate Student (Alpine permafrost), U. Fribourg, September 2018
Graduate teaching and research assistant, U. Wyoming, 2015 – 2017


Eberhard, E., Berens, M.J., Rooney, E.C., Back, M., Berns-Herrboldt, E., Duball, C., Hassett, E., Jones, S., Smith, C., VanderJeudgt, E., Herndon, E.M., Kinsman-Costello, L. Biogeochemical redox processes and their drivers across unique ecological zones. In preparation for submission in Fall 2024.

Truong, A., M. Mudunuru, E.C. Rooney, A. Bhattacharjee, T. Varga, M.L. Mamud, X. He, A.K., Battu, S. Karra. Pore2Chip: All-in-One Python Tool for Soil Microstructure Analysis and Micromodel Design, in prep for submission to JOSS Summer 2024.

Rooney, E.C., E. Vanderjeugdt, S. Avasarala, I. Miah, M. J. Berens, L. Kinsman-Costello, M. N. Weintraub, E. M. Herndon. Decoupling of redox processes with soil saturation in arctic tundra, in review with Nature Communications Earth and Environment.

Rooney, E.C. & A. R. Possinger. Climate and ecosystem factors determine presence, frequency, and depth of soil freeze-thaw at the continental scale, in review with JGR Biogeosciences.

Rooney, E.C., Bailey, VL, Patel, KF, Kholodov, A, Golightly, H, Lybrand, RA. Topography and canopy cover influence soil organic carbon composition and distribution across a forested hillslope in the discontinuous permafrost zone. Permafrost and Periglac Process. 2023; 1- 28. doi: 10.1002/ppp.2200

Rooney, E.C., V. L. Bailey, K. F. Patel, A. R. Possinger, A. C. Gallo, M. Bergmann, M. SanClements, R. A. Lybrand. 2022. The impact of freeze-thaw history on soil carbon response to experimental freeze-thaw cycles. JGR Biogeosciences, Volume 127, Issue 5.

Rooney, E.C., V. L. Bailey, K. F. Patel, M. Dragila, A.K. Battu, A.C. Buchko, A.C. Gallo, J. Hatten, A.R. Possinger, O. Qafoku, L. Reno, M. SanClements, T. Varga, R. A. Lybrand. 2022. Soil pore network response to freeze-thaw cycles in permafrost aggregates. Geoderma, Volume 411,

Qafoku, O., R.A. Lybrand, V. Shutthanandan, R.E. Gallery, J.C. Austin, P.A. Schroeder, J. Fedenko, E. Rooney, D.G. Zaharescu. 2019. A Correlative Bimodal Surface Imaging Method to Assess Hyphae-Rock Interactions, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 25 (S2), 2436-2437. doi:10.1017/S1431927619012911

Lybrand, R.A., J.C. Austin, J. Fedenko, R.E. Gallery, E. Rooney, P. Schroeder, D.G. Zaharescu, O. Qafoku. 2019. A coupled microscopy approach to assess the nano-landscape of weathering, Scientific Reports, Nature.


  • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, EMSL Limited Scope Proposal (Principal Investigator), 2024
  • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, EMSL Exploratory User Proposal (Principal Investigator),  2022-2023
  • NSF OPP-Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (Principal Investigator), 2022-2024
  • OSU-PNNL Distinguished Graduate Research Program Fellowship, 2019-2022
  • United State Permafrost Association AGU Travel Award, 2019
  • Arctic Institute of North America Grant-in-Aid Scholarship, 2019
  • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, EMSL Science Theme User Proposal (Graduate Collaborator and EMSL facility user), 2018-2021
  • OSU Learning Innovation Grant, 2019: Mobile AR Sandbox
  • OSU Learning Innovation Grant, 2018: Interactive Landslide Model
  • Department of Crop and Soil Science MAR Sandbox supporting funds
  • CZO-SAVI International Scholarship, 2018
  • Forest, Range, and Wildland Soil Division Luxmoore SSSA Travel Grant
  • OSU Witters Fund Scholarship, 2018-2019
  • Department of Crop and Soil Science Travel Grants, 2018-2019
  • Oregon State University Graduate School Travel Grant
  • Geological Society of America Graduate Research Grant, 2018
  • Provost Distinguished Graduate Fellowship, 2017-2018
  • ASA, CSSA, SSSA Future Leaders in Science Award, 2018
  • Women in Science, Portland Scholarship
  • College of Agriculture Beyond the Classroom Grant, 2015-2016
  • Cheney Scholarship for International Travel, 2015-2016
  • 2nd Place in Graduate Student Competition in ASA Land Management Session, ASA, CSSA, SSSA Meeting, 2017

Select Presentations

  • Rooney, E.C. Using NEON soil and site properties to evaluate cross-scale freeze-thaw disturbance. NEON science seminar series. Virtual. 14 March, 2023. (Invited Talk). To attend, please visit
  • Rooney E. C., S. Avasarala, E. VanderJeugdt, I. Miah, L. Kinsman-Costello, M. Weintraub, E. M. Herndon. What drives redox potential in Arctic Tundra soils? Toolik All Scientist Meeting, Santa Barbara, CA. 18 Jan., 2023. (Invited Talk).
  • Rooney, E. The Impact of Freeze-Thaw Cycles to the Physical and Biogeochemical Properties of Alaskan Permafrost Soils. Dissertation Defense, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 15 Apr., 2022. (Talk)
  • Rooney, E., M. Dragila, V. Bailey, A. Buchko, A. Gallo, J. Hatten, O. Qafoku, L. Reno, M. SanClements, T. Varga, R. Lybrand. Impact of freeze-thaw cycles on soil porosity in permafrost soils. AGU, San Francisco, CA. Dec. 8, 2019. (Talk)
  • Rooney, E., M. Dragila, A. Gallo, J. Hatten, O. Qafoku, L. Reno, M. SanClements, T. Varga, R. Lybrand. Impact of freeze-thaw cycles on soil porosity in upland permafrost soils. AG 830, Permafrost and Periglacial Environments, UNIS, Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway, 27 May, 2019. (Talk) 
  • Rooney, E., R. Lybrand, J. Hatten, A. Gallo, M. SanClements. Impact of freeze-thaw cycles on carbon stability in upland permafrost soils. In Abstracts, International Soils Meeting, Soil Science Society of America, San Diego, CA, 9 Jan., 2019. (Talk) 
  • Rooney, E. and J. Norton. Effects of cover crops on phosphorus availability and wheat biomass in calcareous soils. In Abstracts, ASA Land Management and Conservation, Soil Science Society of America-Crop Society of America-Agronomy Society of America Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, 23 Oct., 2017. (Talk) Won 2nd place in the Graduate Student Competition. 
  • Rooney, E. Effects of cover crops and compost on phosphorus availability and wheat biomass production in calcareous soils. Thesis Defense, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, 4 Aug., 2017. (Talk)